Sun, Sep 08, 2024

Kick-start your sustainability in under 30 days


About Us


About UsGreen Knight provides environmental sustainability programs and services and is based out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Our focus is to work with companies of any size, in any sector, that desire to join in the green movement and wish to make environmental sustainability in their business operations a priority. At our core, we are sustainability evangelists, with the objective of showing companies that being green, truly green, pays a company, operationally and financially, as well as providing reputational gains with customers, vendors, staff, management and investors while leaving the environment in better shape than when a business began operating.

Environmental Sustainability has different meanings for different people…. At Green-Knight, our definition is simple:

"Have less impact on the natural world today, than you did yesterday".

We know it can and is being done. Balancing environmental benefit with financial ROI in the process, understanding that true sustainability will only occur under the following conditions:

  • Corporations must be willing to take action
  • Sustainable actions must be financially sustainable… if it doesn't make financial dollars, it doesn't make business sense.
  • Action must be real, to help the environment, but also be easy, unobtrusive, and have tangible results.

Sustainability for Everyone

Our team has a long history of working in corporate sustainability and environmental projects. Many of these companies were large, household names and brands that had large sustainability departments and budgets. It was only when we began working with companies of various sizes that did not have the luxury of sustainability experts on staff and dedicated budgets, we posed a question:

"What about sustainability for every company?"… and Green Knight was formed to answer that question.

Our practice is simple…. Help companies implement environmental actions that:

  • Allow the programs to be tailored to their business.
  • Each company is different, even in the same area, sector and size. Sustainability will only work if it fits within your business.
  • Provide an Financial Return - Initiatives must make business sense, if they are going to be successful
  • Are Real, Tangible, Measurable and Demonstrable - Can be shown to managers, staff, customers and suppliers the environmental results of your actions
  • Are simple. Simple to implement, easy to accomplish and allow your company to take action but allow you to focus on what you know best…. Your business.
  • Do NOT require the luxury of a sustainability department, dedicated budgets and other resources outside of your core competency.

Our Philosophy

Our goal and philosophy is focused on reducing pollution and improving the environment. We don’t get involved in the arguments of climate change, global warming and global cooling… pollution is not beneficial to anyone, regardless of short- and long-term outcomes, and there isn’t a lot of argument in that. Pollution is our focus, and helping companies reduce their pollution, and even become, on balance, pollution-free, is what we do and is what our programs accomplish.