Sun, Sep 08, 2024

Kick-start your sustainability in under 30 days


Sustainability Programs


Our Programs are tailored to your business and level of commitment towards sustainability

All corporate programs provide contribution towards:

Environmental Action

On-site or off-site sustainability actions to make your company greener

  • Generate a green revenue stream to invest in your sustainability initiatives
  • Lowered consumption reduced overhead costs
  • Reduce the pollution resulting from your company, products and services

Choose the program that fits your business.

  • Reflect the cost to the environment in the products and services you offer
  • Customer commitment is implied through “environmentally costed”
  • Choose the pricing arrangement that suits your situation
  • Customer contribution is mandatory to support your environmental commitment.

Environmental Protection

Instantly improve you clear air profile by contributing towards large-scale environmental projects

  • Offset your footprint by supporting the environmental projects of others
  • Instantly improve the Clean Air Profile of your business
  • Protect the planet with your contribution


  • Contribution to the program is transparent and displayed on your orders and invoices
  • Choose the contribution that works for you AND your customers
  • Customers can opt-out of the contribution, if they wish

Environmental Recovery

Contribute to ecologies and communities devastated by environmental disaster

  • A non-profit fund Dedicated solely to donate funds towards
    • Man-made environmental disasters
    • Helping communities recover from natural disasters and,
    • Contributing to local regional and international environmental initiatives

Experience the benefits of Green Knight Sustainability

Gain a competitive advantage

Sustainability is a positive differentiator between you and your competition. Implementing Sustainability and showing the tangible results differentiate you from green-washing rivals looking to attract the growing “Green Consumer” Demographic.

Increase profits

Many of your on-site actions will lower consumption, which drives down costs, leaving you with a healthier financial bottom line. The key is to take actions that help the environment AND possess a financial ROI.

Connect with your customers

Engaging with your customers on an emotional level is a key to customer retention and referral business. Tangible sustainability is one way companies reach their customers on this level. Emotional engaged customers are 300% more likely to recommend you and 300% more likely to become a repeat customer, while being 33% less price sensitive.

Keep Focused

Add tangible environmental sustainability to your business, while remaining focussed on the core competency of your business.

Generate Press

It’s not the Medium that matters, it’s the message. Allow your sustainability message to cut through the noise and engage stakeholders.

Green Knight showcases companies with successful sustainability and the progress companies are making, helping you to further highlight your compelling message to stakeholders.

Instant progress

Success breeds success and builds momentum. Our Programs improve your clean air profile within the first 30 days. You begin accruing pollution reductions from the moment you begin.

Accelerate Sustainability

Whether starting out down the path of environmental actions or have planned and engaged on your green strategy, Green Knight’s programs will assist companies of all sizes, regardless of your level of sustainability. Our programs kick-start sustainability for late adopters of environmental sustainability and keep visionaries ahead of the curve, and maintain that competitive differentiation.

Passive or Active Sustainability, your choice

Out programs are tailored to fit the sustainability needs of your business. Use the programs to be as hands-on in your sustainability as your desire.

Attract Purpose Driven Talent and Investment

Demonstrating your sustainability attracts like-minded individuals and investment in addition to customers looking for cleaner options for products and services.

Get Started Today

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