Sun, Sep 08, 2024

Kick-start your sustainability in under 30 days


Our Services


ourservicesSustainable Consultancy

Sustainability doesn't require big budgets, or a department of dedicated staff to focus on the environment. The old fashioned method "of do-it--yourself" sustainability just isn't necessary. Small and medium sized enterprises simply do not have the luxury of sustainability experts on staff or on-call.

To become sustainable, all that is mandatory is to make environmental sustainability a priority for your business.

Our corporate sustainability professionals are here to serve your company as you accelerate your sustainable progress. If you are looking for general information, to identify actions that provide the best balance between environmental benefit and financial return, we will be able to assist you as you travel the path towards true environmental sustainability.

Clean Air Assessment

A critical component to sustainability is to understand your starting point, so that you are able to see, by the numbers, the effectiveness of sustainable actions. Clear air assessments are designed to provide, in a transparent manner, a comprehensive report card, that analyses:

  • The corporate commitment to environmental sustainability
  • Where pollution is created within your business (Sources)
  • How much pollution is created (Volume)
  • The pollution that is created directly and indirectly (Scope)

As you begin to take environmental action and protection, your assessment can be updated to highlight how far you have come down the Green pathway, and generate additional sustainability momentum, allowing you to:

  • Connect with your customers, employees and management
  • Highlight your sustainability success
  • Identify actions and projects that have the highest environmental and financial ROI… The "low hanging fruit", environmentally speaking.

Clear Air Certification

The Green Knight Clear Air Certification designation is the highest accolade for Green Knight members. Corporations that wish to receive a certified designation are verified as, on balance, having a net-zero emissions, making them essentially pollution-free, or carbon neutral, enterprises. Clear Air Certification is awarded each year, based on the preceding years' Clean Air Assessment.

Obtaining a Clear Air Certified status is achieved by measuring and disclosing your corporate Clear Air Assessment and receiving a third party verification conforming to internationally accepted standards.

Any organization that receives their Clear Air Certification is automatically rewarded with Charter Membership status with Green Knight for as long as the certification is maintained.

Environmental Finance

As an active participant in Environmental projects, Green Knight assists organizations and institutions locate the financial resources required to complete strategic capital environmental projects. Often funding may be sourced from one, or more, of the following:

  • Direct Investment from Green Knight
  • Private arrangement from trusted 3rd parties
  • Grants and subsidies
  • Recourse free loans for purchase and installation of energy reducing upgrades and improvements.

If you are involved in a financially viable environmental project, we would love to hear from you, to investigate the opportunity and assist in a synergistic arrangement.

Environmental Project Development

Projects that have a clear and verifiable benefit to the environment, particularly in terms of Greenhouse Gas Emissions have the potential to receive an ISO 14064 complaint "Green Tag", a revenue generating commodity that can be claimed and sold to buyers looking to meet emission targets.

With Green Knight and its verification partners, we are able to provide end-to-end green tag project development including, claiming, registration, verification and sale to purchasers.

The potential for environmental project claims provide your organizations with:

  • Long-term cash flows
  • Recognition of your project and its environmental contribution
  • Develop domestic and international alliances with strategic partners

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are undertaking an environmental project to identify the opportunities available to maximize its financial potential.

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