Sun, Sep 08, 2024

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Making Sustainable Attainable Series - Episode 3

Rashenka De Silva, Business Development Executive for Green Knight Environmental Inc. sat down with Gaurav Gupta - President of Leela Eco Spa and Studio.

Going Green with Green Knight Environmental Inc.

Going Green with Green-Knight - Part 1

Listen to Brandon Holdsworth, President of Green Knight Environmental on how to make your business Green with Green-Knight.

Making Sustainable Attainable Series

This series is a collection of interviews with Visionaries of Environmental Sustainability to learn what successful sustainability means for companies that have gone green and the benefits that it provides.

Episode 1 – REAP Calgary

We sat down with Stephanie Jackman, Founder & President of REAP (Respect for the Earth and All People) Calgary, a non-profit business association network made up of locally owned member businesses that have made environmental sustainability and social responsibility a priority within their businesses.

Episode 2 – DIRTT Environmental Solutions

Mogens Smed, the CEO of DIRTT Environmental Solutions, shoots from the hip in discussing environmental sustainability within DIRTT, and how making sustainability should be a priority for all businesses.

Episode 3 – Leela Eco Spa and Studio

Rashenka De Silva, Business Development Executive for Green Knight Environmental Inc. sat down with Gaurav Gupta - President of Leela Eco Spa and Studio.

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